VLCC Vandana's Health Tips

Most people who live longer have an important thing in common. They don’t engage in behaviour that could jeopardize their health. Your lifestyle is the one determining factor of health and longevity over which you have total control. Lets take a close look at lifestyle choices you can make to promote good health and add years to your life.
Exercise away your risk of disease
Exercise is the lubricant that keeps our bodies and minds in working order. Exercise can be fun. Exercise makes your heart and lungs more efficient and your muscle stronger, as well as improves your figure and posture and enhances your sense of well being. You will also feel more relaxed, sleep better, and be able to deal more effectively with day-to-day stresses. By continuing to stay active throughout your life, you are likely to live longer and stay in good health. The habit of exercising regularly will help you fit for life.
Floss and brush to stay healthy
Some 75 percent of the over 55 years old population has some form of periodontal (gum) disease. And latest studies are now linking gum disease to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. The relationship between gum disease and heart disease and stroke is not as fanciful as you might first think. Several mechanisms may be involved. When bacteria build up on the teeth, plaque is formed. The most common bacterium in dental plaque is streptococcus sanguis, which has been shown to foster blood clots. The pockets created when unhealthy gums pull away from the teeth are breeding grounds for bacteria. When these bacteria are not controlled by proper dental hygiene, they may trigger blood clots in the arteries, possibly due to the inflammation associated with infection. If the arteries are already clogged with artherosclerotic plaque, a heart attack or stroke may be the fatal result. So in order to keep your teeth and your body healthy, spend at least three minutes every night flossing and brushing. Also visit your dentist once in three months.
Use sunscreen
Sunrays directly make you prone to skin cancer and many other types of skin problems. But fortunately you can reduce the risk of all these problems by taking a few precautions.
Always wear sunscreen before you leave home.
Use the right kind of sunscreen, with the right sun protecting factors (SPF) i.e, at least 15. Apply it 15 minutes before you go to swim. Apply the sunscreen to all exposed areas of the skin, including the backs of the knees, lips, around the eyes, ears, feet and bare scalp. If you are going to be swimming, use a water proof sunblock. Avoid tanning beds.
Stop smoking
Cigarette smoking is the most common cause of illness and premature death, primarily cancer and heart attack. But most smokers continue their unhealthy habit despite the knowledge that giving up would immediately improve both their life expectancy and quality of life.
1. It is never too late to give up smoking. Try following these tips for the same.
2. Switch to a brand you find distasteful.
3. Cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke.
3. Don’t empty your ashtrays.
4. Put your cigarette in a different pocket or location to break the automatic reach.
5. Buy cigarettes only one at a time.
6. Don’t carry cigarettes with you.
Drink only in a moderation, if at all
Over consumption of alcohol is a major health hazard, which adds to many of society’s problems, contributing to about one third of road traffic accidents, as well as to antisocial behaviour, crime, divorce and loss of productivity due to ill-health. Even light-to-moderate alcohol consumption has been linkedm, in some studies, to an increased risk of cirrhosis, hemorrhagic stroke and breast cancer. So try these tips to cut down you intake of alcohol and bring it to moderation.
Have two alcohol-free days a week.
1. Choose low alcohol or non-alcoholic drinks.
2. Cut down the pace of drinking and don’t eat more than you intended.
3. Start with a thirst quencher when you go out. Later, dilute your drinks to slow down your alcohol intake by adding soda water etc.
4. Slow down while drinking
5. Record your units per day. This will help you identify when and where most of your drinking takes place, and when to cut down.
Use self-efficacy techniques to modify unhealthy behaviour.
You rolled off the couch and started to take a daily walk to help lower your high blood pressure. Or you cut trips to the ice cream shop and lost five pounds in time for your high school reunion. How did you make these changes? You instinctively used a form of behaviour modification called self-efficacy. You changed your behaviour to serve personal needs that range from avoiding illness to improving your body image. But don’t stop now. You can use self-efficacy to change your behaviour to decrease other risky behaviourss.
Be specific. Sit down with a nutritionist and plan your diet according to your body requirement. In addition, plan those, which you eat out.
Handle your hot spots. Addicted to hot fudge? Keep it out of the freezer. Instead of buying prepackaged ice cream, limit yourself to a single scoop serving at your favourite icecream shop once or twice a month.
Practice, practice, practice. Regularly practice your behaviour. Each time you do, you reinforce behavioral change. If you backtrack, don’t lose heart. Just continue the new behaviour at the next opportunity.
Revel in rewards. When your new behaviour takes hold, reward yourself. At day at the office when you’ve controlled stress levels, it calls for a new CD or a relaxing night with the latest best seller.
So start following these and add years to your life
(Vandana Luthra is a well known health & beauty expert and president of VLCC. If you have any queries on health, beauty, fitness etc call 044- 4671918, 1966. 6210376\77)
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