Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Go Karting at Chennai

Would you like to experience the skill of motor racing on an outdoor race track? Then your obvious choice is Kart Attack, lying close to the sea on the East Coast Road. It is a place which introduced Chennaiities to go-karting, the popular sport that has made its mark in several cities in the country. The entertainment centre, the brainchild of Mr.Ravi Alfred, has a restaurant and enough parking space for the visitors.

As city revellers zoom around the racing track at breakneck speed and occasionally slam into each other, curious passersby watch in amazement. “At present, one lap is 350 meters long, but once we start the actual racing competitions, we can increase the lap distance further and even relay the track to make it more difficult,” says he. That the place has gained popularity is not hard to gauge by the fact that despite the lack of a publicity blitz, the number of visitors has been steadily increasing.

As of now, Kart Attack has got 7 single-engined cars and the race track is well protected on all sides. Kart Attack opens daily at 4.30 p.m. and the fun goes on till 10.30 p.m. The fee is Rs.100/- per race which is of 7 minutes duration. Mondays are holidays. _First timers, can easily go for 10 laps while the more experienced ones can go for 19 to 20 laps per race, says Ravi. Helmets are compulsory and it is ensured that all follow the recommended safety measures. Trainers are deputed at all points on the track to ensure that no untoward incident takes place, and first aid is at hand. Kart Attack also clearly spells out the rules of the race, in which, anyone racing recklessly will be sent out immediately.

That youngsters would throng the place is evident, but many parents and even grand parents seem to enjoy the rides in the speeding Karts. “It is an addictive sport. Though I have been here just twice, I have enjoyed the experience thoroughly and plan to visit regularly”, says a student from St.Michael’s.

Kart Attack Sports Centre
Race track: 101 East Coast Road,
Akkarai, Chennai-600 119.
City office:
24, Aarti Arcade,
86, Dr. Radhakrishnan Road,
Chennai- 600004.
Ph: 8257744
Email: kartattack@eth.net
Brahmma Sriram

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